Outdoor advertising design is one of the most important elements for a business's communication campaign, bringing the brand to reach a wider and more diverse customer base. With each campaign of the business, depending on the implementation time, what is the communication purpose to choose the appropriate form of outdoor advertising.
When it comes to Outdoor advertising, customers use visual to reach is the main, so the most important factor is the image and the advertising message. So how do you do it? Outdoor advertising of your business becomes outstanding, unique and attracts the eyes of passersby?
1. Clearly define the purpose of communication in the design of outdoor billboards
I firmly believe that for each business when implementing an overall communication campaign, the highest purpose of the campaign has been clearly outlined. Once you clearly define the purpose of the campaign, you can choose the form Outdoor advertising suitable.
With the sea Outdoor advertising, suitable for businesses who want to communicate their brand in a long-term, "long-lasting rain". Usually the first stage, the sea Outdoor advertising has the effect of conveying messages and information to customers through attracting attention and impressing. If at this step outdoor billboard design Meeting two factors, a prominent design and an impressive slogan, will attract customers' attention.
And in the following stages, outdoor billboards Your brand will serve as a reminder for the public to remember about your brand. Going through the intersection with your ad every day will become a customer's habit, the brand will be remembered by customers first when choosing to buy.
2. Take into account the profit and cost factors
Currently, the investment cost of outdoor billboards is very high, typically Billboard (one-column billboard) on national highways, on main roads and Pano (big wall billboard at intersections) investment, foot of the flyover... The effect is quite large, reaching a large number of passersby, but please consider carefully and evaluate some points such as:
If using these types of outdoor billboards at the main roads, what will businesses gain?
What is the main purpose of your media campaign? Immediate or long-term benefits? Bringing popular brands to customers or want instant orders to drive sales?
You should carefully consider the cost and what you get, to make sure the form of using the sea Outdoor advertising Is your business worth the investment.
3. Choose the size of the outdoor billboard design
Tuong Minh Advertising With many years of implementing outdoor billboard design projects, we all advise customers in detail about the size when designing outdoor billboards as well as the prime installation location.
You should know that the size of the billboard depends on the type and location of the billboard.
Firstly, for the one-column billboard type, if installed on highways or national highways, the size can be up to 250 square meters, big enough for people sitting on vehicles to see the content on it. billboard. And if installed in the inner city, the size should be about 80-100 square meters, or smaller so as not to lose the urban beauty, and ensure the safety factor for pedestrians.
Second, with the type of wall-mounted billboards, the billboards cannot exceed the size of the wall. And if you choose to install it at road intersections and overpasses, you need to choose buildings with open positions, not obstructing the view.
In addition, you can choose a form of outdoor advertising with a large-sized electronic led screen, clad in the face of a high-rise building.
You need to pay careful attention in choosing the form of advertising, the installation location to determine the size of the sign when designing outdoor billboards. To create the best effect, the second is to save investment costs, the third is to rationalize according to the advertising law.
4. Hire a professional billboard construction company
The design of the sea Outdoor advertising, to the construction stage is quite complicated, is a plan with a certain number of people to implement. You can imagine the process of creating billboards as follows:
Construction team: go to survey the actual location according to the needs of the business want to install where. Carefully study the installation foundation, whether the traffic density is crowded, how the wind is... to determine the size and quote, and the completion time.
Team design Outdoor advertising: design installation foundation and design images and content for billboards. Need to come up with advertising ideas, layouts, colors, shapes, slogans how to best convey the brand.
The above stages of your business cannot be done, but you need to choose a unit to perform from a - z. Please choose a unit that is reliable in terms of quality, time assurance, efficiency, and price for building outdoor billboards for you.
There are many partners coming to Tuong Minh Advertising, big or small, we are directly supported by a dedicated and professional outdoor billboard management team. In Tuong Minh AdvertisingCustomer satisfaction is always the top priority.
5. Always follow up the construction of outdoor billboards
Businesses need to closely monitor the steps of outdoor billboard construction, completion time, problems arising during construction, to make sure that billboards are completed on time and according to requirements. your request.
In Tuong Minh AdvertisingWhen receiving an outdoor billboard project, we always carefully monitor the construction process and have a detailed acceptance report for customers. So you can rest assured when choosing Tuong Minh Advertising as the implementing unit.
Tuong Minh Advertising
If you need advice on outdoor advertising products or other forms of advertising, please contact Tuong Minh Advertising via:
Hotline: 028 3984 8998
Email: info@tuongminh.com.vn
Address: Ho Chi Minh City: 730/126 Le Duc Tho, Ward 15, Go Vap District.
Facebook: Advertising Tuong Minh
In Tuong MinhWe define clearly the responsibility to accompany the business in the design and construction consultancy process with the desire to bring the best experience to customers.

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