Currently, there are many forms Traditional advertising, help products or services. However, not so that qoutdoor advertising Tradition has lost its place. Join us to learn about the effects of outdoor advertising.
Why should use outdoor advertising.
In the latest research on the effectiveness of advertising, form Outdoor advertising These all bring certain effects for business investment.
Outdoor advertising Reach people along the way. People often spend less time at home, and as a result gain less exposure to traditional media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines.
By using media outdoors, advertisers can reap enormous effects.

How effective is outdoor advertising?
As you all know about the effectiveness of the Outdoor advertisingSo how are these effects described? We will if out the advantages that outdoor advertising can bring.
Outdoor advertising Ideal for creating instant awareness, raising awareness and a brand's reputation. The powerful impact of these media ensures that brand awareness increases over time.
Outdoor advertising attracts attention
Through its size, Outdoor advertising attract attention and influence consumers. As a standalone format that does not compete with other advertisements, nor like other advertising channels.
Reaching many customers
As other media will be more fragmented, advertisers are increasingly turning to mediums Outdoor advertisingwhere they can target broader demographics.
Gain awareness of sustainability
Media Outdoor advertising providing a 24-hour continuous presence, 7 days a week, and gaining an audience that hardly any other media can do. As a result, one campaign Outdoor advertising Efficiency can achieve sustained level of awareness across other advertising channels.
In fact, recent research commissioned by the Outdoor Media Association in Australia has emphasized that outdoor advertising creates high retention.
Research shows that: When an outdoor campaign ends, 36% can recall advertisements. Six weeks later, awareness remained at a high level of 35%. Compared to TV commercials, it showed a significant decrease in memory effectiveness after 2 weeks of campaign ending.
Effect exponentially.
When used in an integrated campaign, OOH improves return on investment when combined with other media. Effective maintaining awareness as other activities evolve, reinforcing brand messages closer to point-of-purchase and cost-effective to consumers across different media.
Common types of advertising
Large billboards are often placed on main roads to reach many customers, due to their size and high position, they can display images to customers from a distance very well.
billboards of high altitude Pano, Billboard and Trivision

At sea provides extremely brief information about brands, products, suitable for long-term brand communication rather than introducing details of product features to increase orders for the company. . Help increase brand awareness through logos, colors, images, messages.
Outdoor advertising Pano: billboards clad in the facade or side of the building, often choose to install at buildings located at large intersections, roundabouts, curves, junctions, intersections ... to reach many and diverse riders Street.
Outdoor billboard: billboards with solid concrete steel foundations and pillars, often appearing in highways, highways, and main roads.
Trivision a form of large plate advertising but more creative when applying motion picture technology. The structure consists of many triangular pylons placed next to each other, using an electric motor to rotate the flaps at an angle of 120 degrees over a set time period. Can run 3 ad content on the same ad area at the same time to attract everyone's attention.
The bus shelters, Lightbox

Low-end advertising Compact size and low in height, eye-level with pedestrians installed at medians or sidewalks. There are 3 main types of low-lying signs: lightbox, busshelter, information kiosk. In Vietnam, the most commonly used advertising for bus shelters, light box signs on the median strip or on the sidewalk.
Compared with high-altitude billboards, low-level billboards can reach pedestrians at a close distance, all information is fully absorbed and closest. The cost is much cheaper than the high-end advertising. However, it cannot be seen at long distances due to obstructions and visibility. Instead, you will deploy advertising in large numbers and in many different locations to reach customers in a more diverse way.
Tuong Minh Advertising
If you need advice on outdoor advertising products or other forms of advertising, please contact Tuong Minh Advertising via:
Hotline: 028 3984 8998
Address: Ho Chi Minh City: 730/126 Le Duc Tho, Ward 15, Go Vap District.
Facebook: Advertising Tuong Minh
In Tuong MinhWe define clearly the responsibility to accompany the business in the design and construction consultancy process with the desire to bring the best experience to customers.

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